Modernizing Goods to Person Solutions
GTP, or goods-to-person, fulfillment strategies are a method of order fulfillment that combines automation storage and retrieval with an efficient, accurate picking process.
There is no universal goods-to-person system, and the strategies that distribution warehouses or fulfillment strategies employ will vary based on industry and scale.
In the past, there were advantages to using traditional goods-to-person item picking methods. These picking methodologies had pros and cons, making them potentially viable options for a fulfillment center or facility. The more manual approach sometimes referred to as person-to-goods order fulfillment instead, consisted of employees manually retrieving necessary items from warehouse aisles by attempting to take the most efficient paths possible.
However, modern GTP systems are not a new concept. In fact, automation-enabled GTP systems have been around for decades. Only recently, though, did new technologies and software advancements provide significant improvements in the efficiency, functionality, and utilization of a manufacturing facility.
Today, modern goods to person solutions are ideal for enhancing labor utilization by reducing search and walk times and increasing productivity and throughput.
Why Automation is Important for Goods to Person Operations

For decades, many distribution centers used the person-to-goods picking model, operating primarily on a manual, paper-based system to fulfill orders. With the help of routing logic, inventory would be stored out on the floor, and operators were given the most efficient pick paths to follow.
However, the number of SKUs stored and processed in modern warehouses only continues to grow. It’s no longer feasible or scalable to have human pickers spend most of their days walking through the warehouse to pick items manually.
Automation is important for goods to person operations because it makes more efficient use of warehouse space than traditional methods, has dynamic functionality, and can even integrate with warehouse software and other automation technologies to optimize efficiency even further.

The Berkshire Grey Solution
As the leader in AI-enabled robotic automation systems, Berkshire Grey partners with major retailers, enterprises, and Fortune 500 companies to enhance their current goods-to-person process. Converting some GTP stations into automated robotics, streamlining the stations that remain, and optimizing workforce effort where it counts are all benefits to the Berkshire Grey solution.
Flexible automation solutions
Berkshire Grey’s robotic systems work to convert goods-to-person operations into goods-to-robot operations, ultimately improving accuracy and optimizing labor.
More specifically, Berkshire Grey’s Robotic Pick Cells (BG RPC) can directly interface with existing ASRS, conveyor-based, and micro fulfillment solutions for a customized, tailored approach to each enterprise’s specific operational challenges.
Improve sorter utilization
Increase traditional sorter utilization and order throughput by between 25% and 50% without increasing labor through AI-enabled robotics. More specifically, Berkshire Grey’s Robotic Induction Stations (BG RIS) autonomously pick and place items into their traditional sortation systems.
Benefits of the Modern Goods to Person Operations
As noted, there are numerous benefits to the modern GTP operations system. By adding warehouse robots, robotic workstations, and digital modules, a company can easily increase capacity – with little to no downtime. In fact, it increases operational uptime, potentially granting clients a near 24/7 fulfillment operation.
A goods-to-person operation can help optimize space utilization for a more flexible warehouse layout and smaller footprint. More ergonomic operator picking workstations also means more productivity whilst simultaneously helping to eliminate order errors.
Through the smaller footprint, a GTP operation can provide consolidated, high-density storage options no matter the space of your fulfillment center. The warehouse software integration adapts to pre-existing infrastructure and lets you monitor all orders, inventory, and robotic systems in realtime.
Why Berkshire Grey?
Proven, industry-leading performance
Berkshire Grey consistently delivers real-world performance, partnering with major retailers across the globe to provide intelligent, business-boosting AI-enabled solutions. The supply chain is mission critical for your operation – and Berkshire Grey understands that. Berkshire Grey’s automation solutions have proven results across a vast swath of enterprise-level applications.
Tailored answers to your business
Whether you’re a break and pack warehouse, micro fulfillment center, a distribution facility, or another manufacturing hub, Berkshire Grey’s team of experts understands your needs. No solution is ever the same, as each business is different.
These demands are why Berkshire Grey’s comprehensive solution portfolio was intentionally designed to be as modular and customizable as possible. You can incrementally add or modify your plan as Berkshire Grey’s solutions scale with your organization.
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with Berkshire Grey
Contact the BG Fulfillment Automation Sales Engineering Team to Learn How to:
- Reduce operations expense by up to 70%.
- Lessen your dependency on labor.
- Bolster facility throughput by up to 25% to 50% with automation.
- Get a customized ROI analysis of your specific environment and business.
Call +1 (833) 848-9900 or connect using our form.