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BG Rings the Bell!

Ringing the bell at Nasdaq was a nice milestone for Berkshire Grey,
but our work is just beginning.

On August 27, 2021, Berkshire Grey was honored to ring the opening bell at Nasdaq. Becoming a public company is a significant milestone for us, but this is just the start of the next chapter in our story. There is a ton of hard work ahead, and our mission remains “To Help Customers Succeed”. We have an amazing team of professionals, leading-edge AI-enabled robotic technology, and unmatched solutions to real-world supply chain challenges. 

Bell Rung. Back to Business. Customer First.

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Get Started
with Berkshire Grey

Contact the BG Fulfillment Automation Sales Engineering Team to Learn How to:

  • Reduce operations expense by up to 70%.
  • Lessen your dependency on labor.
  • Bolster facility throughput by up to 25% to 50% with automation.
  • Get a customized ROI analysis of your specific environment and business.

Call +1 (833) 848-9900
or connect using our form.