
The BG Blog

Berkshire Grey sortation shuttle is always ready to receive a SKU for placement in a designated bin

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Berkshire Grey sortation shuttle is always ready to receive a SKU for placement in a designated bin

Leading Enterprises Rely on Berkshire Grey to Win at Commerce Now and in the Future

Put on your consumer hat and assess your habits. Do you buy both hard to find items and basic staples like batteries and toothbrushes online? When you go to a retail store, if they do not have the item you are looking for, do you leave and then look online or even look online while standing in the store? Will you place multiple online orders during a given day?

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Warehouse team member manually fulfilling an order.

Robots Respond to the Labour Crisis

The labour crisis in the supply chain has reached a critical point,...
Fast Company Innovative Robotics Badge

Fast Company Places Berkshire Grey Among Top Innovative Robotics Companies

Bedford, Massachusetts-based Berkshire Grey is one of the companies e-commerce players have...
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Berkshire Grey Recognized as a Forbes 2021 Best Startup Employer

Berkshire Grey has always been committed to delivering the most valuable, leading-edge...
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Reimagining Modern Distribution Centers with Mobile Technologies

Mobile robot fleets orchestrated by intelligent software can deliver granular sortation, making...

2021: The Year of the Robot in eCommerce Fulfillment?

Robotic automation in 2021 will provide the answer to eCommerce fulfilment.

The Future is Now for Robotic Automation

Most forecasters would agree the major event of 2020 was not just...
woman in warehouse

Report: Robotics Drive Warehouse, Retail Efficiencies and Productivity

Manufacturing has always been the go-to for robots, but recent robotics investment...
Berkshire Grey team members ring the bell as BGRY stock becomes publicly traded.

BG Rings the Bell

Ringing the bell at Nasdaq was a nice milestone for Berkshire Grey,...
An image of robots in the workplace.

Why Fearing Robots in the Workplace is Wasted Worry

Technological advancements in robotic automation are both replacing redundant tasks and creating...

Cyber Monday: More Like Groundhog Day

A pandemic prepped retailers and parcel carriers for a peak season that...

Happy Holidays From Berkshire Grey!

As we close out 2020 and look to a brighter new year,...

Don’t Get Knocked Out by Peak Season

Fortune 500 businesses rely on Berkshire Grey’s intelligent robotic automation solutions to...

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with Berkshire Grey

Contact the BG Fulfillment Automation Sales Engineering Team to Learn How to:

  • Reduce operations expense by up to 70%.
  • Lessen your dependency on labor.
  • Bolster facility throughput by up to 25% to 50% with automation.
  • Get a customized ROI analysis of your specific environment and business.

Call +1 (833) 848-9900 or connect using our form.